Japanese Film Festival in Abu Dhabi
FilmHind MezainaAbu Dhabi, Bushi no Ichibun (Love and Honour), Japanese Embassy, Japanese Film Festival, Kappa no Kwi to Natsuyasumi (Summer Days with Coo), Keiichi Hara, Mitsuhiro Mihara, Mura no Shashinshu (The Village Album), National Theatre Abu Dhabi, Tasogare Seibei (The Twilight Samurai), Yoji Yamada
USB Typewriter by Jack Zylkin
Dancing at the Movies
Maxence Cyrin
Film, MusicHind MezainaAround the world, Beyonce, Crazy in Love, Daft Punk, Last Year in Marienbad, Maxence Cyrin, Mysterious Lady, Pixies, Where is my mind, piano covers
Danny and Annie by StoryCorps
A few things you didn't know about Bill Murray
Parody movie trailers
Anachronism by Les Singes Hurlants
35mm by Pascal Monaco
Simon Werner a disparu by Fabrice Gobert
La Nouvelle Vague - photography by Raymond Cauchetier
Film, ArtHind MezainaA Bout de Souffle, Adieu Philippine, France, French, Jacques Demy, Jacques Rozier, James Hyman Gallery, Jean Luc Godard, La Nouvelle Vague, London, New Wave, Raymond Cauchetier
Crazy 4 Cult - Exhibition at Gallery 1988, Los Angeles
Life in a Day - a documentary shot in a single day by you
Ice Cream by Sydney Southam
Back to the Future turns 25
The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time by Harry Hanrahan
Cinema's Top Human Villains by Harry Hanrahan
Great Directors by Angela Ismailos
FilmHind MezainaAgnes Varda, Angela Ismailos, Bernardo Bertolucci, Catherine Breillat, David Lynch, Great Directors, John Sayles, Ken Loach, Liliana Cavani, Richard Linklater, Stephen Frears, Todd Haynes
Arab Film Festival in Australia 2010
Cyrus - The Interweb Mashup