UAE National Day 2011
© Hind Mezaina
Another year, another milestone - the United Arab Emirates turns 40 today.
The country has been in a festive mood for the past month or so. We do have a lot to feel proud of, the achievment cannot be underestimated. But by turning 40, I hope the country takes stock of what we've achieved so far and strives to be better and stronger.
The past 10 years felt like the country went through a pre-mature mid-life crisis, so for the next 10 years and before turning 50, I hope we don't have to through a second phase of this crisis. I hope our pace into development will be more of a qualitative nature, specifically when it comes to the health, education and enviroment sectors. We've always been dreaming big and hope we continue to dream big. But let the dreams be about quality of life for everyone living on this land.
Dear UAE, I hope by the time you turn 50, you grow with grace and be the wise and mature nation I always want you to be.
I leave you with this video that takes you on a journey across the United Arab Emirates. "7 Emirates in 7 Minutes" includes 15,000 pictures taken in roughly 100 hours and a 2,500-km drive around the country.
Happy National Day!
(video via Gulf News)