Trailer Tuesday - Don't Think

Don't Think is a new film directed by Adam Smith featuring The Chemical Brothers' set at last summer's Fuji Rock Festival in Japan. It looks spectacular and I cannot wait to see it.
You blink awake and find yourself halfway up the side of a Japanese mountain. It's night time, right at the sticky middle point of summer. You're in an opening in a darkened wood surrounded by - say - 50,000 other revelers, each of them frenzied; delirious from an all-encompassing psychedelia that seems to be emanating from a stage somewhere in the near distance. Above you, lights swoop and strafe across armies of marching toy robots and galloping deconstructed horses; paint balls explode in front of borderline psychotic clowns. You're in the thick of it, consumed by the spectacle, absorbed into the crowd, surrendering to the noise and the visuals. Stunned by the jaw-dropping intensity of what you're witnessing, just one thought flashes through your febrile mind. Don't think. Let it flow.