This Is My Home

This Is My Home is a short film by Kelsey Holtaway and Mark Cersosimo from Departure | Arrival Films. It's a delightful film about Anthony Pisano and his home that is full of items he's bought/collected from his travels over a span of 32 years. At first glance, it looks like a vintage shop, but after meeting Anthony Pisano, you realise it's his home.
On an unseasonably warm November night in Manhattan on our way to get ice cream, we stumbled upon what appeared to be a vintage shop, brightly lit display window and all. As we began to walk in, a man sitting out front warned us that we were welcome to explore, but nothing inside was for sale. Our interests piqued, we began to browse through the collections the man out front had built throughout his life. This is a story of a man and his home.
Kelsey Holtaway and Mark Cersosimo

There are some great lines and stories in this short film, but this is my favourite quote from it,
A lot of senior citizens feel that they've been discarded, but when people stop in front of my place they bring life to me because they're recognising me in a sense. That "Wow, what is this place" and they'll stop.
A lot of people pass, they have these earphones on they'll see me but they'll just go by. They never question. As if people are afraid to talk one on one and that doesn't give me any satisfaction as far life is concerned.
Life is you talk with people, you touch them in a sense.

Here's the film. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.