Expressions of India at The Ara Gallery ArtHind Mezaina28 August 2011Dubai, Dubai Photo Workshop, Expressions of India, Gary Schmid, Habeeb Al Aswad, Ivana Maglione, Lana Vshivkoff, Nihal Akmal, Noel Miller, Sue Krimeed, The Ara Gallery, photos of India, PhotographyComment
A helping hand MusingsHind Mezaina25 June 20107 Days, Care for Labourers, Dubai, Ivana Maglione, Shelter, charity, donate, helping hand, labourersComment
Treasures of the Himalayas at Portfolio Gallery ArtHind Mezaina31 January 2010Bhutan, Dubai, Ivana Maglione, Lama Kabbani, Portfolio Gallery, Tibet, Treasures of the Himalays, PhotographyComment