Edward Yang Retrospective in Taipei
I saw my first Edward Yang film last September at the Venice International Film Festival, A Confucian Confusion (1994) which was part of the Venice Classics section. The website included these words about the film by the director:
The situation in all of Asia is terrible now. It’s not an economic problem, it’s not a financial problem, it’s not a political problem, it’s a serious cultural problem. A Confucian Confusion is the first and so far only attempt at self reflection: at examining what is wrong with trying to head into the 21st century with a 4th century BC ideology.
When I found out about the Edward Yang Retrospective at Taipei, I thought to myself this could be an opportunity to watch all his films, and what better way than watching them in the city his films are about.
A One and A Two: Edward Yang Retrospective (July 22 – October 22, 2023) consists of two parts, a film programme and exhibition at Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute and an exhibition at Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
I watched a few films first before visiting the main exhibition. Sadly my schedule didn’t allow me to stay in Taipei long enough to watch more than 3 of his films over one weekend:
That Day, On the Beach (1983)
Taipei Story (1985)
The Terrorisers (1986)
All three screenings were restored versions and looked impeccable on the big screen. All three were about changes in a city and in society, and how both men and women are trying to find their place amidst these changes. I found these themes very relatable to my part of the world.
I also found a few surprising moments in each film, how a world outside Taiwan is impacting and influencing these changes:
A scene with an envelope stamped from Saudi Arabia in That Day, One the Beach
Club scene with people dancing to Footloose in Taipei Story
Club scene with people dancing to Fresh and a clip from 9 1/2 Weeks playing on a television screen during that scene in The Terrorizers
There’s a lot to unpack from what I saw, but for now here are images and clips from the films and exhibitions:
That Day, On the Beach (1983)
Taipei Story (1985)
The Terrorisers (1986)
Trailer for the Edward Yang film Retrospective shown before each screening at TFAI
Photos from Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute
There are other cinema related items around the building, these two related to Hou Hsiao Hsian made me smile. And now I hoping for an exhibition about him.
Photos from Taipei Fine Arts Museum
I mostly took photos of items related to the films I watched.