The United Arab Emirates Flag
© Hind Mezaina
The flag of the United Arab Emirates can be seen all around town, and I'm not just talking about flags on poles. I'm talking about very large flags draped on very large houses.
It's something I've never seen before, so curious to know who started this trend. I guess with the nation turning 40 on 2nd December, some people want to express their pride and joy. Or maybe just outdo their neighbours.
I drove around to take a few photos of the houses, but it suddenly turned dark and grey which aborted my mission. So here's a very small selection of photos I took with my phone. But I hope to share some more photos when I get a chance to go out to photograph again.
© Hind Mezaina
© Hind Mezaina
© Hind Mezaina
Here's an article from The National that explains the history of the flag, Teen who designed UAE's national flag was 'in a flutter'.
Black stands for the oil that helped transform his country. Green is for fertility and its green gardens. And white and red were already present in separate emirate flags, so I added on what was already there to signify our expansion into a unified entity. Abdullah Mohammad Al Maainah, the designer of the United Arab Emirates flag