Pan Arabia Enquirer

Pan Arabia Enquirer is a satire news website that's been around since 2010. The site features some very funny articles, which some people fall for thinking it's real, despite the "Mixed News Grill. With Hummous." motto on their site.
It's a much needed site in this part of the world. The humour might not across if you are not from or live in the Middle East, but I guess the site's aim is to connect to people from this region.
After two years of writing funny articles, Pan Arabia Enquirer has expanded into video format with their own YouTube Channel and they've just released their very first episode. The stories in this episode include:
- Saudi Cleric Running Out Of Things To Ban
- New System For Making Fast Food Orders Via Car Horn
- World's Most Pointless World Record Broken To Promote Lacklustre Dubai Mall
It is funny. Especially the "Saudi Cleric Running Out Of Things To Ban", which I can't stop laughing at. Watch it now.