Like Coral, I Create Clouds by Noor Al Suwaidi
© Noor Al Suwaidi. Dreamers Meet, 2011. Image courtesy of Newertown.
Like Coral, I Create Clouds is a new solo exhibition by Noor Al Suwaidipresented by Newertown | Art, curated by Juan Carlos Farahand showing at The Gallery in Cork Street in London till 30th April.
Noor is from the United Arab Emirates and she's making a name for herself in the art scene in the United Arab Emirates. She's taken part in several group shows in the UAE, Europe and in the US and I'm glad to see she now has her first solo show.
Like Coral, I Create Clouds is a kaleidoscopic trip into her colourful canvases. A series of variegated paintings and works on paper, all oscillating between the realms of portraiture and figurative abstraction. An amalgamation of bold, conspicuous chromatic movements, guided into shapes and left to meet at 'moments', where our imaginations make and shake figures into focus. Inspiration from relationships, music and travels makes this a highly personal oeuvre. The emerging patterns of colour and forms are visceral combinations of raw emotion and honed technique. There are no contrived concepts or calculated imagery. The drive is purely to uphold the emotive forcefulness of the tension that is created as the pigments and shapes vie for space on the canvas. Each tone acts as a theatrical backdrop, drawing in our riveted energy, seducing us to play out our imagination and exhaling us back into 'clouds of colour'.
Paintings by Noor Al Suwaidi, part of 'Like Coral, I Create Clouds' exhibition
About the artist:
Noor Al Suwaidi was born in 1981 and grew up in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. At age nine, encouraged by her father, she participated in an adult drawing program in the UAE, thus igniting a seminal phase in the development of her creative career. A particular interest in painting led her to pursue studies in the UK and the US, through which she conceived, expanded, and consequently refined her artistic style.
© Sueraya Shaheen, The Artist in her Studio, Abu Dhabi 2011. Image courtesy of Newertown | Art.
Exhibition details
Dates: 20th-30th April 2011
Location: The Gallery in Cork Street, 28 Cork Street, London, United Kingdom