Dua Lipa’s Music Video Illusions and Old Hollywood References

When I first watched Due Lipa’s latest music video Illusions (directed by Tanu Muino), I recognised the venue, the Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc swimming pool in Barcelona from Kylie Minogue’s music video for Slow from 2003.

But I also immediately thought of musical scenes choreographed by Busby Berkeley in Footlight Parade, a film from 1933 that I’ve actually not watched, and was happy to see that old Hollywood can still inspire contemporary filmmakers. 

Another major reference I recognised in Illusions is a scene from the 1952 film Million Dollar Mermaid starring Esther Williams, another film I’ve yet to watch.

One day I hope I can see all the films with musicals choreographed by Busby Berkeley and all the films starring Esther Williams.
For now, you can watch the clips below that I was happy to revisit when I was comparing scenes between the films and the music video.

Footlight Parade and Illusions


Million Dollar Mermaid and Illusions