Asher Selle on Spending Less Time on Data-Mongering Platforms

There’s a series on International Center of Photography’s Instagram account featuring photography related predictions by ICP staff for 2025.

The prediction by Asher Selle, ICP’s Associate Director of Marketing and Audience Strategy, resonated with me as I’ve had similar thoughts over the past few months.

There’s a lot of speculation about where artists will go, but I think we’ll see a big re-emergence in things like mail art, zine making, and other tangible forms of sharing creative work.

As we sink deeper into what I would describe as a techno-fascist oligarchy, I think we’ll see makers and laborers in the arts move away from tools like Instagram for sharing their work. Or at least, we’ll be spending less time and energy investing in producing content for these data-mongering platforms that are feeding the beast of AI generation and digital surveillance. ⁠

I’d also like to see fewer muted colors and more multichromatic work. The world is getting less and less colorful, and that’s bad for our brains."

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